It all started in the 1930’s when Fletcher Insulation was nowhere to be seen, and Australian company Sisalkraft started manufacturing their packaging and wall wrap products. When World War II was over, they decided to add foil insulation to craft paper and sisalation foil was formed.
In the 1950’s, ACI became the first Australian company to produce glass wool insulation. In the 1960’s, ACI developed their Dandenong site, which led to the discovery of batt insulation, unheard of by their competitor. It wasn’t long before ACI Insulation was a household name across Australia, especially after their famous Pink Panther advertising campaign.
The company Insulco arrived to the industry in 1979 and quickly became a leader in the trade. Insulco’s sales of FatBatts and Vapa-Chek insulation products flew through the roof, thereby increasing their shares dramatically.
In 2003, Fletcher Building took over Insulco, along with their insulation products. They also purchased Insulation Solutions in 2005, which were previously ACI Insulation, and joined the companies to create Fletcher Insulation. The best attributes that each business had to offer were kept and developed to provide exceptional insulation standards to residences and business across Australia.